About Us
Why Step Out Stay Out?
StepOutStayOut is a footballing project created by ex-offender Pete Bell, designed to give those within HMP a chance to develop coaching and mentoring skills, and create a motivational environment, to help avoid the vicious circle of release and re-imprisonment. Pete has built relationships with several HMP’s within the East Midlands and continues to further his reach, demonstrating years of experience and wealth of knowledge, receiving numerous plaudits along the way.
SOSO run various events within the Clifton Estate, including Walking Football Thursdays at the Clifton Leisure Centre. Designed to encourage participants to meet new people, get active and boost mental health.
School’s Out Kickabout on Fridays at Clifton Playing Fields for secondary school children, aimed to teach the laws of the game and participate in football 5 a side.
Giving hope and a vision to the next generation… Stepping Out and Staying Out of Crime, be that at an early age in gangs; bullying and involvement in petty crime to helping those already within HMP and believing that all is lost. Using my lived life story of the path from crime and despair to highly regarded FA Coach & Mentor, Step Out Stay Out will engage with schools and prisons, to tell a story and develop initiatives for change.
If you have any questions or want to contact Pete or the team, please use the contact details provided:
Email: pete@stepoutstayout.uk, chelsey@stepoutstayout.uk

Pete Bell
A self-motivated, enthusiastic and methodical football coach and mentor.
Having been in the CJS in the 1990s, I know all too well how prison and crime can affect your life. The stigma causes unemployment and can have devastating effects on families. I now use my experience gained outside the system to offer hope to others caught up in what can be a vicious circle.
Experience of communicating with the public – Enthusiastic and committed – Reliable and honest.
- Football Association Coaching Licence U.E.F.A ‘B’ 09/96
- Football Association Preliminary Coaching Award 02/96
- Football Association Generic Tutor Training Course 02/04
- NSCAA National Diploma USA 06/00
- NSCAA Advanced National Diploma USA 06/01
- NSCAA Premier Diploma USA 01/02
- N.V.Q Level 1 Sport and Recreation 08/96
- N.V.Q Level 2 Sport and Recreation?(operations) 09/97
- N.V.Q. Level 2 Coaching Children/Adults 03/97
- A1 Assessors Award 01/07
- F.A Level 1 Coach Educator 11/03
- F.A Junior Football Organisers Tutor 11/05
- F.A OHSL Tutor 01/06
- F.A Youth Coaches Course U/9-12/16 07/07
- F.A Youth Award Module 1 04/09
- F.A Youth Award Module 2 09/10
- F.A Level 3 Psychology 11/10
- F.A Learning through Football Level 2 Tutor 01/11
- FA Mentor
- Notts County Football Club Football in the Community Programme
- Playsoccer Ltd New England USA 2001
- Coca-Cola Football Sponsorship Coach
- Mansfield Town Football Club Centre Of Excellence Coach 1998/2001
- Highpavement Sixth Form College Football Development Centre Director
- Chesterfield Football Club Centre Of Excellence Coach 2001/2002
- Soccer Academy Inc Virginia USA 2002
- Nottinghamshire F.A U/18 Head Coach
- West Nottinghamshire College
- South Nottingham College FPP Assistant Coach
- F.A Mentor Leicestershire F.A 14/16
- F.A Coach Educator 03/16
- University of Nottingham Men’s Football Club